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Join our $11 Weekly Community Classes:

Tuesdays 7a Glow Flow

Wednesdays 5:30p Glow Breathwork

Fridays 1p Glow Breathwork


Reservations are required via CLASS SCHEDULE >


Breathwork for Clarity & Calm


Our whole nation is depleted mentally and spiritually - dependency on substances, violence, and reactivity is the new norm. The inability to concentrate, scattered mind, anxiety, high blood pressure, troubled sleep, chronic pain, and fatigue can be alleviated using breathwork. Glow Breathwork is designed to lift emotional weight and release long-term stress to help you sleep better, concentrate, cope with challenges, stay calm, and have more stamina.


Breathwork Class does both: properly prepares you for, and advances your yoga practice.  It encompasses 4 Limbs of the Yoga Discipline: mastering our focus, concentration, awareness of the senses, and meditation.


Our breathing affects the effectiveness of all of our systems. To improve our mental & physical performance our breathing muscles need strengthening, just like the rest of our body. Glow Breathwork class is your fun breathing 'workout’.


In a 40-minute class, we’ll practice 2-3 breathing exercises 11 minutes each, some with movement, and some with making sounds, always finishing with a short meditation.


Breathwork is a game changer to your meditation if you find meditation too challenging. With regular practice, you'll learn to be present with yourself and others, see clearly what your mind is up-to, and shift some negative patterns that might keep you in the cycle of suffering. All healing begins with clarity.


This breathwork is trauma-informed with no contraindications.


Reservations required >


Please listen to our podcast episode 'Breathwork Science & Vagus Nerve' >

Order our new book 'Breathing Exercises for The Anxious Mind' >


$11 for the community to promote peace & health in our neighborhood

Included in our Memberships and existing passes

Glow Community Classes

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